About Quality Matrix

Quality Matrix System for Enterprise Resource Management

Quality Matrix is a group of integrated applications that helps managers and decision makers manage all enterprise resources in a standardized manner consistent with the latest updates to the relevant ISO standards, including:

  • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management
  • ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety Management System
  • ISO 22000:2018 food Safety Management System
  • ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System
  • ISO 27001:2013 Information Security Management System
  • ISO 55001:2014 Asset Management System
  • API Q1 Specification for QMS requirements for manufacture organizations for the petroleum and natural gas industry
  • API Q2 Specification for QMS requirements for service supply organizations for the petroleum and natural gas industry
  • ISO 10002:2018 Quality Management –Customer Satisfaction
  • ISO 37001:2016 Anti-bribery management systems
  • ISO 30401:2018 Knowledge management systems

General Features:

Quality Matrix ERP

Supports the management of the resources of all types of enterprises, whether governmental (ministries, agencies, departments, etc.) or private companies (Solidarity, Simple recommendation, Joint venture, Joint Stock, Limited liability).

A unique system to assist organizations in building their quality systems that comply with the specifications of the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), without the need for outsourcing of consulting or auditing .

Built in a scalable and expansive manner and has the capacity to manage resources and operations of all institutions of different sizes (SMEs, multinationals, etc.)

Quality Matrix system is designed to work in any complex, heterogeneous enterprise environment. It integrates with any applied access and identity management solutions to support single-sign on (SSO) and any other enterprise security measures.

Is modular and has the ability to work completely individually to manage the full enterprise resources, or integrate with any of the global ERP systems such as SAP or Oracle ERP to allow organizations that have any of these systems to benefit from their investments with the addition of the capabilities available in the Matrix ERP and not available in other global systems.

Has the flexibility to work on any of the standard databases, which are the most used in enterprises of different sizes, such as: (Oracle – SQL Server).

Is flexible enough to support the expansion model that fits any particular business needs whether this business is undergoing geographic expansion, product line expansion, new subsidiaries, new channels, etc.

Is a bilingual language that supports both English and Arabic in all components of the system (application interfaces - input fields - reports - emails) to work in Arab countries and most of the countries that speak English or use any of these languages in official transactions. The basic language of the system is determined during the installation process, which is the mandatory language for all entries, and the other language can be added as an optional language, if needed.

Is suitable for work in any country and all currencies while retaining the base currency of the enterprise.

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